I Got Employed!

Blog #23 (The title was supposed to be a spin on “You got served!” and seemed funny for a passing moment in my head, unfortunately it isn’t…  ): … I realize it and apologize but I’m sticking with it :P)

This will have to be a quick post. I forgot that today was Saturday and that I have already missed out on three Saturdays in the middle. Luckily for me, I did write some stuff beforehand.

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Labels, Labels, Labels!


Blog #22 (Here we go again!)

Introduction (skippable): So here I am once again, trying not to make this blog yet another neglected blogs scattered in the “infiniteness” of the internet. This blogging thing that I started a few months back is probably one of the best things I did in a while. It is like sharing stuff that I would not generally share with any of the people I know. one of the reasons why I don’t is because knowing these people immediately puts a restriction on me of knowing their interests. So, somehow it is easier to share whatever I want with strangers I have never met before, just because I know that they have clicked on this blog because somewhere in their, or rather, in your head, you and I share an interest. I can only hope that what interest we share, can be kindled into a meaningful “comment conversation” to further perpetuate the idea and share our various perspectives to further our understanding of a topic, even if that topic is “cute cat videos” 😛

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How I Wish My Schooling Had Been

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Blog #17 (College Made Me an Idiot)

Introduction (skippable): Recently I’ve been thinking about this blog. What is this thing about? Is there a particular topic which I discuss?… Well, obviously not! So, should I have a particular topic to discuss? It will obviously make it easier for readers to decide if the topic interests them or not and come to a conclusion whether to subscribe or not. Or is it a better thing to have random topics posted such that it is always a surprise as to what is the topic this week?

Well, fuck that! What readers want to read, let them decide, and as to what I want to write, let me decide :P. I guess what I am trying to do here is to explore topics that interest me or pique my curiosity. Ah curiosity! What a wonderful thing! And this world that we live in, such a curious place! So much to see, so much to do, so much to learn and so much to forget!

This brings us to the topic.

Where did the curiosity go?

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